Estimation of sandwich covariances a la Newey-West (1987) and Driscoll and Kraay (1998) for panel data.
vcovPL(x, cluster = NULL, = NULL,
kernel = "Bartlett", sandwich = TRUE, fix = FALSE, ...)
meatPL(x, cluster = NULL, = NULL,
kernel = "Bartlett", lag = "NW1987", bw = NULL,
adjust = TRUE, aggregate = TRUE, ...)
a fitted model object.
a single variable indicating the clustering of observations,
or a list
(or data.frame
) of one or two variables, or a
formula specifying which one ore two variables from the fitted model should
be used (see examples). In case two variables are specified, the second variable
is assumed to provide the time ordering (instead of using the argument
By default (cluster = NULL
), either attr(x, "cluster")
is used
(if any) or otherwise every observation is assumed to be its own cluster.
a variable, list/data.frame, or formula indicating the
aggregation within time periods. By default attr(x, "")
is used
(if any) or specified through the second variable in cluster
(see above).
If neither is available, observations within clusters are assumed to be ordered.
a character specifying the kernel used. All kernels
described in Andrews (1991) are supported, see kweights
character or numeric, indicating the lag length used.
Three rules of thumb ("max"
or equivalently "P2009"
, or "NW1994"
) can be specified, or a numeric
number of lags can be specified directly. By default, "NW1987"
is used.
numeric. The bandwidth of the kernel which by default corresponds
to lag + 1
. Only one of lag
and bw
should be
logical. Should the sandwich estimator be computed?
If set to FALSE
only the meat matrix is returned.
logical. Should the covariance matrix be fixed to be positive semi-definite in case it is not?
logical. Should a finite sample adjustment be made? This amounts to multiplication with n/(n−k) where n is the number of observations and k is the number of estimated parameters.
logical. Should the estfun
be aggregated within each
time period (yielding Driscoll and Kraay 1998) or not (restricting cross-sectional
and cross-serial correlation to zero, yielding panel Newey-West)?
arguments passed to the metaPL
or estfun
is a function for estimating the Newey-West (1987) and
Driscoll and Kraay (1998) covariance matrix.
Driscoll and Kraay (1998) apply a Newey-West type correction to the
sequence of cross-sectional averages of the moment conditions (see
Hoechle (2007)). For large T (and regardless of the length of the
cross-sectional dimension), the Driscoll and Kraay (1998)
standard errors are robust to general forms of cross-sectional and
serial correlation (Hoechle (2007)).
The Newey-West (1987) covariance matrix restricts the Driscoll and
Kraay (1998) covariance matrix to no cross-sectional correlation.
The function meatPL
is the work horse for estimating
the meat of Newey-West (1987) and Driscoll and Kraay (1998)
covariance matrix estimators. vcovPL
is a wrapper calling
and bread
(Zeileis 2006).
Default lag length is the "NW1987"
For lag = "NW1987"
, the lag length is chosen from the heuristic
floor[T(1/4)]. More details on lag length selection in Hoechle (2007).
For lag = "NW1994"
, the lag length is taken from the first step
of Newey and West's (1994) plug-in procedure.
The cluster
specification can be made in a number of ways:
Either both can be a single variable or cluster
can be a
of two variables.
If expand.model.frame
works for the model object x
the cluster
(and potentially additionally
) can also be
a formula
. By default (cluster = NULL, = NULL
attr(x, "cluster")
and attr(x, "")
are checked and
used if available. If not, every observation is assumed to be its own cluster,
and observations within clusters are assumed to be ordered accordingly.
If the number of observations in the model x
is smaller than in the
original data
due to NA
processing, then the same NA
can be applied to cluster
if necessary (and x$na.action
A matrix containing the covariance matrix estimate.
Andrews DWK (1991). “Heteroscedasticity and Autocorrelation Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimation”, Econometrica, 817--858.
Driscoll JC & Kraay AC (1998). “Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimation with Spatially Dependent Panel Data”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 80(4), 549--560.
Hoechle D (2007). “Robust Standard Errors for Panel Regressions with Cross-Sectional Dependence”, Stata Journal, 7(3), 281--312.
Newey WK & West KD (1987). “Hypothesis Testing with Efficient Method of Moments Estimation”, International Economic Review, 777-787.
Newey WK & West KD (1994). “Automatic Lag Selection in Covariance Matrix Estimation”, The Review of Economic Studies, 61(4), 631--653.
White H (1980). “A Heteroskedasticity-Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimator and a Direct Test for Heteroskedasticity”, Econometrica, 817--838. doi:10.2307/1912934
Zeileis A (2004). “Econometric Computing with HC and HAC Covariance Matrix Estimator”, Journal of Statistical Software, 11(10), 1--17. doi:10.18637/jss.v011.i10
Zeileis A (2006). “Object-Oriented Computation of Sandwich Estimators”, Journal of Statistical Software, 16(9), 1--16. doi:10.18637/jss.v016.i09
Zeileis A, Köll S, Graham N (2020). “Various Versatile Variances: An Object-Oriented Implementation of Clustered Covariances in R.” Journal of Statistical Software, 95(1), 1--36. doi:10.18637/jss.v095.i01
## Petersen's data
data("PetersenCL", package = "sandwich")
m <- lm(y ~ x, data = PetersenCL)
## Driscoll and Kraay standard errors
## lag length set to: T - 1 (maximum lag length)
## as proposed by Petersen (2009)
sqrt(diag(vcovPL(m, cluster = ~ firm + year, lag = "max", adjust = FALSE)))
#> (Intercept) x
#> 0.01618977 0.01426121
## lag length set to: floor(4 * (T / 100)^(2/9))
## rule of thumb proposed by Hoechle (2007) based on Newey & West (1994)
sqrt(diag(vcovPL(m, cluster = ~ firm + year, lag = "NW1994")))
#> (Intercept) x
#> 0.02289115 0.02441980
## lag length set to: floor(T^(1/4))
## rule of thumb based on Newey & West (1987)
sqrt(diag(vcovPL(m, cluster = ~ firm + year, lag = "NW1987")))
#> (Intercept) x
#> 0.02436219 0.02816896
## the following specifications of cluster/ are equivalent
vcovPL(m, cluster = ~ firm + year)
#> (Intercept) x
#> (Intercept) 5.935164e-04 2.222292e-05
#> x 2.222292e-05 7.934905e-04
vcovPL(m, cluster = PetersenCL[, c("firm", "year")])
#> (Intercept) x
#> (Intercept) 5.935164e-04 2.222292e-05
#> x 2.222292e-05 7.934905e-04
vcovPL(m, cluster = ~ firm, = ~ year)
#> (Intercept) x
#> (Intercept) 5.935164e-04 2.222292e-05
#> x 2.222292e-05 7.934905e-04
vcovPL(m, cluster = PetersenCL$firm, = PetersenCL$year)
#> (Intercept) x
#> (Intercept) 5.935164e-04 2.222292e-05
#> x 2.222292e-05 7.934905e-04
## these are also the same when observations within each
## cluster are already ordered
vcovPL(m, cluster = ~ firm)
#> (Intercept) x
#> (Intercept) 5.935164e-04 2.222292e-05
#> x 2.222292e-05 7.934905e-04
vcovPL(m, cluster = PetersenCL$firm)
#> (Intercept) x
#> (Intercept) 5.935164e-04 2.222292e-05
#> x 2.222292e-05 7.934905e-04